Glasser Comedy

“Nathaniel är en riktig konstnär. Med träffsäkra iakttagelser skojar han om fenomen i det svenska samhället. Sin musikaliska talang använder han som humorredskap och ger en extra dimension åt hans standup.” Kadir Meral, comedian and author

A child of the alternative comedy scene on the Lower East Side of New York City, Nathaniel Glasser Skog has been performing both comedy and music since an early age. In 2004 Nathaniel moved to Stockholm, Sweden where he performs regularly in Swedish, English and Swenglish.

In 2023 Nathaniel was a semifinalist at Lund Comedy Festival’s Grand Slam and he premiered his show En Judisk Viking (A Jewish Viking) at the festival. Nathaniel returned to Lund Comedy in 2024 and is premiering his new Musical Comedy show in Stockholm in September.

On this site, you can watch performances, listen to tracks, and read about Nathaniel’s unique brand of comedy.

“Nathaniel has a very rich background in music and stand-up comedy. His comedy is very meticulous and well thought-out. As a perfectionist he strives to perfect each joke and gifts the audience with memorable lines that they cannot easily shake off.  He is also not afraid to try different styles by combining musical instruments and melodies that one might never thought that a comedian is ‘’allowed’’ to combine. One of his greatest strengths is that he constantly writes new material and is not afraid to bring those to crowds he has never met before. He has after all perfected the art of being funny.” – Zoe Ntonta, comedian and creator of The Embarrassing Diary podcast

“Your unique blend of music, impressions, and comedy truly stands out. The way you seamlessly integrate these elements into your act adds a fantastic layer of entertainment that keeps the audience engaged and laughing. I appreciate your talent and creativity immensely. Keep up the great work!” – Dr. Zero, comedian

“Nathaniel underhåller publiken med absurda observationer, träffsäkra imitationer och med mycket värme. Han är dessutom en av de få amerikaner som vågar prata svenska!” – Kerim Hrustanović, comedian

“Silly, unique and always a good laugh with Nathaniel” – Sunny VK, winner of Lund Comedy Grand Slam 2023

“This schmuck does Dylan better than that schmuck Dylan does Dylan.” – Ben Kersley, comedian

Nathaniel har fått mig att gapskratta många gånger med sina musikaliska imitationer och absurda humor. Han är grym på att involvera publiken; först skrattar man, sen känner man sig förvirrad och sen skrattar man ännu mer.” – Peter Nitschke, comedian

“Rocks…literally. His ability to go with the flow during the show leaves one waiting for his next hiccup…and flawlessly engaging recovery. He is personable, caring, a great host, and a flame of creative energy.”
Erez Jacob Ofer, comedian

“Damn good! Great to see a multi-talented, quirky Jew on stage. Love it.” – Stephen Rappaport, actor, writer & musician